JOIN US AT THE DMC MEETING ON WEDNESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2024 – EHDC, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford at 6.15pm, ahead of the 7pm start of the meeting. Just look out for our banners and posters and join us to help reject this application
How can you help?
Object Now!
The application is for 118 houses. There was over 1000 objections but we need your support once again by attending the Development Management Committee (DMC) meeting, where the application is now on the agenda to decide if this gets approved or rejected. We know every single individual email or letter will count and a show of support in person will help strengthen our message. Please get your household to act, tell neighbours and friends!
Public Meeting Presentation
A well attended public meeting took place on Thursday 1st December at 7pm at Bengeo Primary School. It offered an opportunity to find out more about the expected planning application for housing development in Bengeo Field, and the East Herts District Council planning process. We were joined by Cllrs Ben Crystall and Peter Ruffles along with other speakers. If you missed this meeting you can view the presentation here. We have since gone on to continue to object against their revised proposals and now it is decision time. Join us at the meeting at EHDC, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford (by mini roundabout at Richard Hale School) at 6.15pm on Wednesday 18th September 2024. The meeting starts at 7pm. Just look out for our banners and posters!
Join our Facebook page for constantly updated information, plus share your views with the community.
Show your support and display our poster in your window
Please let Durkan the developer know your feedback about the suggested housing development of 100+ houses in Bengeo Field along Sacombe Road from The Orchard all the way down to B158/Wadesmill Road by 11th November 2022.
Please share your response by emailing any of the following:
Your District Councillors :
Alex Daar | Vicky Smith | Ben Crystall
Your Councillors for Bengeo (North):
Alex Daar | Vicky Smith | Ben Crystall | Paul Williams
Bengeo Councillors – Town only
Your local MP (please include your name, address and phone number)
Julie Marson
Chair of EHDC Planning:
Councillor Yvonne Estop
Councillors on Planning:
Cllr Ruth Buckmaster ; Cllr Vicky Burt ; Cllr Rachel Carter; Cllr Sarah Copley; Cllr Ian Devonshire; Cllr John Dunlop; Cllr Graeme Hill; Cllr Aubrey Holt; Cllr Simon Marlow; Cllr Tony Stowe; Cllr Steve Watson (vice chair)
Substitute Councillors in Planning:
Cllr Martin Adams; Cllr Stan Bull; Cllr Maura Connolly; Cllr Tom Deffley; Cllr Vicky Smith
EHDC Planning Team (regulates the planning on behalf of the residents):
Planning Team
EHDC Head of Planning: Sara Saunders
EHDC Planning Officer: Kay Mead
HCC Minerals and Waste Planning Policy team: who lead on the emerging
Chris Stanek (local plan currently under consultation)
HCC Highways: who are responsible for traffic and highways decisions
Phil Bibby (exec. member for Highways)
Local Councillors:
Robert Cinnamon (Sele ward), Robert Pinkham (Castle ward), Stuart Hunt (Kingsmead ward), Tony Tarrega (Sele ward), Sue Barber (Kingsmead ward), John Lynch (Sele ward) and Jane Sartin (Castle ward).
Building Future and Landscape Manager (Hertfordshire County Council:
Jennifer Owen